Homeostatic Health
Looking Beyond labeled complaints. NIS uses a system of sequential and prioritized protocols to evaluate and correct any areas of signal dysfunction controlling the body systems.
Symptom patterns exist when the action potential and cellular signaling has been disrupted causing a disconnect to neural network pathways. The disconnect is triggered by excessive physiological, neurological, pathological, and emotional pressures.
Disconnected signaling requires the brain to recognize and restore involved circuitry.
The integrative management following corrective procedures, is a collaboration of all mechanisms contributing and accounting for homeostatic control.
The brain holds the key to correcting the patient, not the practitioner.
Practitioners using NIS rely on the neurological response from the brain to initiate all corrections relating to human body function.
Changes will be 100% safe, accurate, totally definitive and infinitely complex. A scope beyond the capability of man.
Linking the brain to become congruent with neurological, psychological, emotional and pathological patterns that will collectively restore homeostasis.
Research of Dr. Allan K. Phillips D.O.

Integrative Specialist
For the last 23 years Scott has been integrating the wellness potential in others and brings an abundance of clinical reasoning and experience to the table as a medical professional.
Living his own wellness journey for many years, Scott believes that the body was designed to heal itself if cared for properly, utilizing the universal laws and principles of mother nature.
As an athlete Scott believes in the value of movement & exercise and understands that keeping the body moving is essential to wellness and quality of life.
Through his experience as a competitive athlete, Scott brings valuable insight, principles and strategies that assist others with their wellness, function and performance potential. The biggest room, is the room for improvement!
According to Dr. Kruger an amazing fasting doctor of 40 years, when we're unwell putting more things into you is not going to make you well, it is by taking things out of you that you become well.
Some of the benefits of fasting include autophagy, stem cell production, HGH production, it also helps the body reset by deactivating old dysfunctional genes.
Nature is the greatest scientist and has provided the most powerful healing modality for mankind to freely utilize - Fasting.
Because of the importance fasting plays in the health of our body, Scott has committed to fasting 30-40 hours each week in order to benefit from his parallel metabolism.
Over the last two decades of clinical reasoning and experience, curiosity has piqued an interest as to what causes an individual to continually return with the same patterns of dysfunction?
After much consideration on this subject it became apparent that...
"Outside of trauma we either train our mind-body to be functional and feel well, or we train our mind-body to be dysfunctional and feel unwell."
Let it be known that when under pressure, we don't simply rise to the occasion, we fall to our highest level of preparation!
Integrative Corrections
"At The Speed of Light"
Time coupled with stressful circumstances causes the human organism to succumb to neurological, pathological, physiological and emotional pressures, as this process takes hold symptom patterns begin to reveal themselves.
Below is a partial list of the unique interdependent elements that have the potential to disrupt your homeostatic normals.
Sutural Compressions
Cranial sutures may become compressed for various reasons, which in turn affect specific glands and organs related to a particular suture.
Spinal Structural Compensations
From time to time segments of the spine can become dysfunctional as they relate to the global interaction of the body.
Rib Lesions
Similar to spinal segments ribs can become dysfunctional, and will often make their presence known in the form of respiratory compensations and or discomfort.
Dr. Lovett discovered that our spinal segments collaborate in pairs, such as L5 - C1, these segmental relationships can become dysfunctional affecting homeostatic normals.
Peripheral Joint Compensations
The hips, knees, ankles, toes, shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers represent the distal joints of the body.
Tensegrity Compensations
Our body could be likened to a number of discontinuous compression elements that interact with tensile forces. Our bones should float in our soft tissue matrix.
Fascial Compensations
There are circumstances where fascia may inhibit the proper function of an organ, reducing interdependent communication within the body.
Gait Function
Having our neurological circuitry fully functioning through the thalamus will ensure proper gait function both right and left. Proper gait function, fine tuned, through the neurological circuitry, is critical for high performance athletes.
Micro-RNA Pathology
The miRNA are protein signaling molecules controlling the expression of over 1/3 of our genes and are key regulators of every biological process including angiogenesis, inflammation, cellular proliferation, apoptosis and organogenesis.
A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, esp. in regard to injury or infection.
Benign tumors of muscular and fibrous tissue, typically in the wall of the uterus.
Stem Cell Renewal
We lose approximately 100 billion cells per day to cellular death, our body must produce the equivalent amount daily in order for us to function properly.
Cranial Nerve Compensations
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves, which must function fully and in sync with each other and the body, when disorganization is present, undue stress will be the result.
Hemispheric Compensations
There are 2 hemispheres of the brain, each with several different aspects, such as limbic, visual, auditory etc. Over time, these aspects of our brain, both right and left, begin to develop signal disruptions, resulting in potential confusion, lack of focus, clarity and more.
Histamine Compensations
Is a compound that is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries.
Sulphur Compensations
Sulfites in various forms are used as a food and wine preservative or enhancer. There are times when toxic levels of Sulphur may be negatively affecting a gland creating a compensation or adaptation in response to a toxic load.
Visual Memory Recall
There are circumstances that could cause an individual to lose their binocular vision potentially affecting their depth perception, recall, and ability to focus.
Is an eye condition, "nearsightedness" that inhibits a person's ability to see things clearly, unless close to the eyes, it is usually unilateral, or only on one side.
Is an eye condition, "farsightedness" that inhibits a person's ability to see things clearly, unless farther away from the eyes, this compensation is usually unilateral.
A compensation in the eye, or in a lens, caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, resulting in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus.
A condition of the eyes where one eye is turned inward or medial.
A condition of the eyes where one eye is turned to the outside or lateral.
A condition of the eyes where one eye is looking upward or superior.
Intraocular Pressure
An increase in eye pressure affecting the lacrimal glands which could eventually blossom into glaucoma if not corrected.
Atrial & Ventricular Compensations
The atria and ventricles follow specific wave patterns that may fall out of sync, or become dysfunctional.
Vestibular Compensation - BVVP
A condition "Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, where the position of the crystals in the otolithic membrane become displaced, leading to uncomfortable symptom patterns.
Motion Sickness
This is another vestibular dysfunction that creates uncomfortable symptom patterns, often while flying, driving, or traveling in a boat.
Geo-pathic Stress
The world that we live in produces all kinds of interference, Geo-pathic stress, cell phones, computers, televisions, imaging equipment, microwaves and transformers, these entities will all have a destructive effect upon the neurological circuitry.
A hereditary disorder in which the iron salts are deposited in the tissues, leading to liver damage, diabetes mellitus, and bronze discoloration of the skin. Common symptoms include, joint pain, abdominal pain, fatigue and weakness.
Genetic Cholesterol Compensations
Some individuals may have a predisposing genetic weakness, causing them to have cholesterol challenges that are not supportive to maintain normal blood levels.
Gland Function Compensations
There are various times in life where one or more of our glands may fall out of sync with other glands and organs, resulting in unstable equilibrium between interdependent elements.
Visceral Compensations
Viscera represent the internal organs, mainly in the area of the abdomen, these organs may become restricted due to trauma, fascial adhesions and deformity, reducing the ability of normal function.
Reflex Compensations
There are reflexes that can affect the startle response, spinal extension, spinal sidebending, latissimus dorsi & infraspinatus weakness, and abductor weakness, this is just a partial list.
Mercury Toxicity
Issues relating to mercury toxicity include, pathological reflexes, very brisk knee jerks, elevated heart rate, sweaty hands and feet, rashes, eczema, mitochondrial dysfunction.
Parasitic Compensations
Common sites for parasitic infections include liver, spleen, kidney, bladder, stomach, large intestine.
Free Hormone Compensations
Hormone levels do not always reflect hormone action. Hormones must bind to specific receptor sites on individual cells to communicate. Hormone measurements do not reflect this binding.
Neurotransmitter Compensations
It is vital that our neurotransmitters be organized between the body and the brain, in order to function and perform at our optimal best.
Viral Pathology
Viral antigens have been found to have a dominating influence over that part of the immune system responsible for the control of bacteria and fungi. Normal antibody response can be both delayed and ineffective and for this reason viruses should be corrected first. Viruses involving glands have wider implications, weakening muscles associated with the infected gland.
Bacterial Pathology
There are healthy bacteria and unhealthy bacteria, we are primarily interested in bacterial infections that create cellular mayhem within an organ, gland or particular part of the body.
Bacterial Infection Dura
It is certainly possible to acquire an infection within our dural sheath, such as meningitis or encephalitis. Infection within the dura is a very serious compensation which has the potential to be life threatening.
Allergens come in various forms, from airborne to dietary, to topical. Recent research has revealed that an individual may have a specific allergy within a certain organ, with no other allergic symptom patterns whatsoever.
Gluten Intolerance
Many in our world today are negatively affected by gluten and will often avoid this substance at all cost, because of the symptom patterns it produces.
Glandular Typing
Each individual is endowed with one of four specific glandular typing models - pituitary, adrenal, gonadal and thyroid. Each glandular type also displays a corresponding musculo-skeletal weakness.
Hydration Screening
The number one stressor in all living things, the number one criterion for aging and all disease are either states of, complications of, or consequences of dehydration. Perhaps the most important habitual pattern a human being could engage in for their wellness and quality of life is proper hydration.
Nutritional Screening
Taking in multiple vitamins, supplements or nutritional products seems like a fantastic idea, until we consider the fact that we may not be absorbing any of these seemingly valuable substances. Signaling disruptions can sabotage our ability to absorb nutrients within our soma, resulting in poor assimilation of our chosen nutritional choices.
Some of the compensations listed above are most likely affecting you personally, and although you may be doing some wonderful things to maintain your wellness, those things you are doing "will not" restore your automation or homeostatic wellness, because the root of your symptom patterns is found within your neurological circuitry.
In layman's terms the goal of NIS healthcare objectives is to restore homeostasis or equilibrium (balance) to ALL the body's systems. NIS is superior at assessing and addressing the "Interdependent" systems of the human body. When we are functioning in homeostasis we are operating automatically or in automation.
What this means is that you will recover much more rapidly from the multiple stressors that bombard you on a daily basis, and your quality of life will be infused with a greater measure of youthful vigor.
NIS - Neurological Integration System restores homeostatic function by reestablishing signal disruptions located within your neurological circuitry, so you may experience the amazing possibilities of living your life fully automated!

Pre - Screening
The NIS pre-screening process evaluates levels of function as they relate to homeostatic normals, proper hydration, Geo-pathic stress, primary dendritic weakness and glandular typing to establish an individuals baseline of function.
Homeostasis = Stable equilibrium between interdependent elements to maintain physiological processes.
Which one of your medical advisors ever recommended you restore function to your interdependent elements, to reestablish your homeostatic normals?
It is vital that all of your interdependent elements are working properly and that you are operating within homeostatic normals, these pre-screens will be instrumental in your assessment and correction process.

Structural Integration
NIS structural integration addresses the root cause of musculo-skeletal dysfunctions.
These integrative corrections include sutural compressions, spinal structure correction, rib lesions, reciprocity correction, gait function, tendons/GTO's, fascial restrictions implicating a gland, tensegrity correction and more.
Everyone on the planet is affected in some way by a predisposing cause, and precipitating factors.
We could say that everyone is affected by birthing trauma which lays down asymmetrical anatomical patterns that reduce function, especially as it relates to soft tissue compensations, globally throughout the body.
The presence of asymmetry in your soma could be likened to a wrestling opponent that continues to get stronger over time, causing you more and more resistance to motion, greater expenditure of energy, and inferior performance potential.
It is interesting to note the relationship that muscles have with organs in a bidirectional collaboration. Many of the muscles that become dysfunctional over our lifetime will display an associated weakness to a corresponding organ.
If we use the shoulder complex as an example and look at corresponding organ/muscle relationships we see that the gall bladder connects to the anterior deltoid, the lungs connect to the posterior deltoid, the heart connects to the medial deltoid. It would be fair to say that every muscle in the body shares an anatomical/functional relationship with a specific organ.

NIS integrative protocols assess and address viral, bacterial and parasitic infections at the speed of light, literally eradicating pathological variants in 24-48 hours.
"In the world of healthcare and beyond, ignorance is certainly hazardous, whereas corrective knowledge is exceedingly beneficial."
"The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark." Thomas Paine
Over the last two years of clinical reasoning it has become readily apparent that whether you are vaccinated, or not vaccinated, whether you wear a mask, or don't wear a mask, you still may be affected/infected by viral antigens.
There are those who display symptoms and those who are asymptomatic (display no symptoms), either way, "if" you are infected with viral antigens, they are creating cellular mayhem within your mind-body complex.
The reality of this narrative is that viral antigens show no partiality, they affect both the ignorant and those who possess a great measure of knowledge, whereas only a fraction of those living on earth today possess an understanding that these same viral antigens must succumb to those who accurately apply corrective knowledge through the portal of innate wisdom.
Which one of you reading this has ever truly considered the "unlimited potential" of your brain and it's innate ability to successfully eradicate viral antigens quickly, safely and completely?
It is highly probable that many of us have been exposed to the definition of insanity, which says..." We will do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result."
What prevents us from looking outside of our comfort zone, outside of our limited understanding?
How much longer will we expend our energy on fear, anger and ignorance because we lack understanding as it relates to the unlimited potential of our immunological intelligence?
It was stated in the book "The Divided Mind" that, more than a leap of faith is often needed, yes, what is truly needed is a leap of understanding.
Let it be known from observation and clinical experience that our 3 pounds of human brain is fearless, forthright and precise at killing viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, and furthermore, is perfectly aligned with the hippocratic oath which states "Do No Harm."
Our immunological intelligence is constantly knocking at the door of our intellectual capacity, wholeheartedly seeking opportunities to emancipate us from the shackles that keep us paralyzed by fear and ignorance.
NIS is the safest, fastest and potentially the most effective corrective process in the world today to address viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, doing so without harming the human body in any way whatsoever, and one of the finest demonstrations of knowledge and science put to good intent.

NIS is able to accurately restore signaling disruptions throughout the neural network pathways. It is extremely efficient and has the potential to reconnect an infinite number of disrupted pathways, consistently at the speed of light.
The human nervous system could be likened to the wiring in your house or car and how essential it is that your wiring and all of the signals carried through those wires are congruent.
The brain is constantly receiving information from every facet of the body, and in turn sends back fine tuning messages, many times per second. This means every cell, gland, organ, muscle, tendon etc in the body is constantly monitored via these circuits to the brain.
From time to time circuits in the body become disconnected, similar to a fuse blowing in your house. Power is now reduced to that circuit, and this will effect function.
This is brought about when certain stresses to the body exceed our individual tolerances. These stresses can be physical, pathological, neurological, or emotional.
By exceeding our tolerances in some way, the brain no longer has full communication with the area of function, represented by that circuit. While the brain knows all about the symptom pattern that occurs as a result of stresses, it no longer knows about the circuits that represent the underlying causes.
The action potential and cellular signaling play a key role in the function of sensory/motor loops, sensory messages traveling from the part to the brain, and motor messages transmitting from the brain to all parts.
When all of these neurological circuits are fully operational you get to experience the valuable benefits of living in a body that operates automatically, or we could say that all of your interdependent elements are back online, fully animating every gland, organ and part of your body.
Another way we could look at the lack of stable equilibrium between interdependent parts, is that if you can't recover "QUICKLY" from stress you have a homeostatic problem which is rooted in your neural networking pathways.
It is important to point out that successful treatment depends on accurate assessment. The treatment that emerges with any malady is a natural consequence of the nature of the disorder. The nature of any malady will most often find itself rooted in dysfunctional neurological circuitry.
It is also good to think positively and have an optimistic outlook with regard to ourself in general, however it is not positive thinking that will cause our body to return to homeostatic wellness. It requires accurate thinking, coupled with the understanding that the brain controls every aspect of the human organism and that symptom patterns are consistently rooted in compensated, neural networking pathways.
Therefore it seems vital that we link the brain to become congruent with neurological, physiological, pathological and emotional patterns that will collectively restore your homeostatic wellness!

NIS is a valuable resource for assessing and addressing emotional patterns that are primarily found in dendritic weakness.
It is estimated that we have 50 - 70 thousand thoughts per day, that equates to 35 - 49 thoughts every minute.
The question we may consider asking ourselves is, how many of those thoughts are in some way negative?
According to Dr. Korotkov positive and negative emotions have the largest influence over our biowaters (your body's water) molecular structure.
A mental tension brought on by emotional patterns affects both the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The body through the ANS, the vagus nerve and endocrine variations, is set into movement which can manifest itself in alterations of blood circulation, of the secretions, of the muscle tonus, and of most all of the organs.
Worry and anxiety puts the brains limbic system into hyperdrive. This excitability of the limbic system puts the body in it's freeze, flight or fight mode, or it activativates the sympathetic response within the human organism, globally bombarding your body with constricting stress mechanisms, which in the long term, has detrimental implications.
Every change in the physiological state is accompanied by an appropriate change in the mental and emotional state, conscious or unconscious, and conversely, every change in the mental and emotional state, conscious or unconscious, is accompanied by an appropriate change in the physiological state.
There is ample evidence through the works of Candice Pert and Dr. Sarno to support the fact that our emotional patterns have the power to influence our soma and homeostatic potential in very profound ways.

NIS is essential for assessment and correction of physiological compensations that are minimizing the body's ability to function at peak potential.
Experience has shown that the body struggles to maintain optimal function for more than 120 days, the average life cycle of a red blood cell.
The human organism on average will have the potential to diminish function about every four months.
It has been our experience that after returning your body to homeostatic wellness your entire person experiences an infusion of vital force, with feelings of lightness throughout your body, being grounded in a state of calm awareness.
It is also important to note, that clinical experience demonstrates that signaling disruptions may reveal their presence after 30 days or less, especially when an individual is undergoing stressful circumstances or has experienced some form of trauma.
It stands to reason that tolerances vary from person to person, so depending on lifestyle and habitual patterns, we may be enhancing the corrective process, or inhibiting :the corrective process through our every day choices.
There are numerous exogenous factors that affect our physiological function such as gravity, temperature and environment to name a few.

Taking Your Health Seriously
What is NIS about?
NIS bases its treatment methods on the neurophysiological principle that the brain governs optimum function of all the body's systems through its neurological circuitry.
It is constantly receiving information from every facet of the body, and in turn sends back fine-tuning messages, many times per second. This means every cell, gland, organ, muscle, tendon etc in the body is constantly monitored via the circuits to the brain.
How are complaints addressed?
You're NIS practitioner uses a prioritized set of treatment protocols to evaluate the neurological circuitry and the facets of the body function they represent. This system, in simple terms could be thought of like a checklist that could be applied when servicing your car. These checks evaluate all possible dysfunction that may have translated in the symptoms.
NIS is unique. The practitioner is a facilitator in the feeding of data to and from the brain. To find out which areas of the body function the brain is not fully controlling, a muscle test" is used. A muscle test is a scientifically proven method of determining whether the brain is in full communication with body function. The muscle test acts as a feedback indicator to determine functional confusion associated with any body system.
The science behind NIS
In order for optimum function to be restored, the brain must acknowledge the circuit fault. To do this, the NIS practitioner works with a defined area of neuroanatomy called the post central gyrus. This area acts as the receiving and dispatching center of the brain. When touched, sensations are mediated via neural pathways directly associated with a post central gyrus. For example, if you close your eyes and have someone touch just one hair on your head, you would be able to tell them exactly where that occurred. The post central gyrus allows you to relate the sensation to its location. The same principle applies with NIS treatment. The post central gyrus knows or acknowledges the relationship between the anatomical contacts the practitioner is holding.
How are complaints viewed with NIS?
The way your complaint is viewed with NIS is quite different to other health care options. Most options are in some way or another only treating your symptoms and providing you with symptomatic relief. NIS addresses the real underlying causes to provide long-term, sustainable results.
NIS is "tailor made" for you!
By evaluating ALL the body systems that make up physiological function collectively - for each individual - real causes can be addressed and superior results achieved. Regardless of complaint, no two patients are the same. Each individual's makeup is different and NIS addresses the specific needs and physiological tolerances of each individual. This is what makes an NIS treatment unique.
Who is NIS for?
NIS is suitable for the whole family! At each visit the goal is to determine and address what aspects of your function the brain is not fully controlling. The approach is very non-invasive, stress and pain free. This makes an NIS treatment suitable for the newborn baby through to the very aged and those that are very sick or injured. NIS is one of the safest methods of healthcare available.
How often should I see my NIS practitioner?
Your NIS practitioner will recommend an initial plan of care for your specific complaint and needs. Once you have completed that, ongoing preventative care is important. As we go through the stress and busyness of life, our functioning potential can falter and with it our performance. Often we are not even aware that our body is not functioning to its optimum. Regular care ensures that your system is functioning at its best all the time, removing any potential threats to your immune system.
After taking your time to fully digest the information above, one may ask...
What has my lack of understanding, regarding homeostatic normals, cost me throughout my lifetime, and how am I going to make full use of my current understanding of homeostatic normals now, and in the future ?

Rational Wisdom vs Innate Wisdom
"Innate wisdom" is inborn or caused by nature.
"Rational wisdom" is based on reason or logic.
The CNS - central nervous system governs all normal and optimal body function. The brain rather than the practitioner per se, formulates the most accurate assessment for evaluating and correcting dysfunction of the human organism.
Our innate wisdom is much more comprehensive than our rational wisdom. The innate wisdom is holographic and subconscious and is aware of everything that is going on in our body down to a molecular level at all times.
Our bodies are self renewing, self regulating, and self healing organisms, and this control of self healing and self generating is controlled by the CNS - central nervous system, which regulates and monitors "all" functions in the body. This regulation is fully automated and operates mostly at a subconscious level.
This automated signaling can become disrupted, tolerances can be exceeded as a result of predisposing factors, precipitating factors, lifestyle and environment.
The majority of our body systems are "not" under our conscious control and when we carefully take this into consideration, it will become crystal clear that there is no amount of rational wisdom from any medical professional that can equal the innate wisdom, when it comes to not only evaluating the "root" cause of dysfunction, but accurately correcting said dysfunction as well.
In other words, there is no amount of rational wisdom or clinical experience from any practitioner that can compare to accessing the human brains intelligence in resolving the causative factors as they relate to symptom patterns within the total human organism.

Automation vs Compensation
Automation = Done or occurring spontaneously, without conscious thought or intention.
Compensation = Something that counterbalances or makes up for an undesirable or unwelcome state of affairs.
Adaptation = Become adjusted to new conditions.
If you are fully functioning in "Automation" you will display no symptom patterns at all and everything you do will seem effortless.
When automation is fully activated, your anatomical landmarks will be symmetrical, you will be structurally grounded, your weight will be evenly distributed over both legs, all of your cranio-facial landmarks will be in alignment, all systems within your body will be online and you will be the "most" productive version of yourself, from an anatomical, neurological, pathological and physiological point of view, which by the way, does "not" include proper hydration, acute trauma, or genetic predisposing factors!
If you are operating in "Compensation" you will display symptoms of dysfunction and everything will be more difficult for you.
The physiological processes maintaining automation include every gland, organ and part of the body operating within normal ranges, or in other words there is stable equilibrium (balance) throughout all parts that make up the human organism.
What are some of the interdependent elements that can disrupt your automation potential?
Many individuals will present with a sutural compression affecting the normal function of one of their glands, the question remains, which one?
How are the right and left cortical areas of your brain currently communicating?
How in sync are your twelve cranial nerves with each other and the rest of the soma?
How well are your miRNA transmitting data?
What emotional stressors are you facing and how are those emotions affecting your homeostatic normals?
What types of infections may be invading your body as you read this, viral, bacterial, parasitic?
How does the predisposing trauma laid down at birth inhibit your ability to function in a symmetrical frame, and what does your tensegrity system have to do with that?
You have been told you have arthritis, do you actually know if there is inflammation present within your body?
Are all of your glands producing sufficient stem cells to replace the 100 billion you will lose today?
Are your Atrial and Ventricular functions currently in sync with each other?
How is your right and left gait, is the action potential getting through?
Could horizontal or vertical vestibular dysfunction be inhibiting your ability to function?
What causes a continual need for spinal adjustments, is there an actual root cause, or deeper understanding?
How does the reciprocity of your spinal segments affect your quality of life?
Do all of your peripheral joints have balanced tension between, muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia?
How is your neurological circuitry communicating with all of your parts, what signal disruptions are you currently living with?
Symptom patterns generally give rise to supporting evidence that automation is not present and you will likely never reach your "full" potential until automation is restored.
You may be doing a number of wonderful things to maintain your wellness, however those wonderful things will not restore your automation potential.
It's only when you link the brain to become congruent with neurological, physiological, emotional and pathological patterns, will you collectively be able to restore automation.
The reason for this is because the Central Nervous System governs all normal and optimal function and it's only when the brain recognizes and restores the disconnected signaling patterns will your body be restored to automation.
It seems many could reason I've adapted to my circumstances, but adaptations "do not" equal automation either, because adaptations produce stressors throughout every system within the human organism, so whether its compensation or adaptation, neither one equals automation.

Athletes & NIS
Every athlete in the world is looking for that competitive edge that will propel them to the next level of performance, with the end goal translating into victory.
It would be fair to say that there is no shortage of ideas on how to achieve optimal performance, with new concepts and strategies constantly being developed all the time.
When we think about peak performance and the human body, would it be a ridiculous idea to conclude that the entire body's electrical grid must be "fully operational" in order for any athlete to perform at their optimal best?
How well will your vehicle, or home function if there are multiple blown fuses or circuits?
When high performance athletes continually push their body's to its maximum effort, tolerances can be exceeded resulting in signal disruptions (blown circuits) to various aspects of their body, this will in turn produce a reduction in performance potential.
When looking at athletic performance through a functional, neurological lense, a whole new world of opportunity emerges for the athlete because of being made aware of a new avenue of performance potential, through their neural networking pathways.
In layman's terms if optimal function potential is 100% and you reduce the electrical signals to various organs and muscles throughout your body by just 3 to 5 percent, your performance will suffer, and you'll lose your neurological, competitive edge.
Some of the challenges a competitive athlete faces has to do with overcoming their own body, yes, overcoming their own weaknesses.
But how can you overcome a particular weakness, if your unaware it even exists?
Welcome to the world of NIS and its unique perspective as it relates to a collaborative effort between the brain, interdependent elements, sensory/motor signaling and automation.
Some of the compensations affecting athletic performance, and every athlete include:
Hemispheric Compensations
The right and left cortical areas of the brain, each housing several aspects, has a tendency, about every four months, to develop signal disruptions, and while these may not always be noticeable to the athlete, you can be sure it's affecting peak performance, especially if the motor cortex is involved.
Cranial Nerve Compensations
There are 12 pair of cranial nerves that have a profound influence over your many senses, as well as your body. The vagus nerve or cranial nerve ten is responsible for regulating 80% of your parasympathetic responses, which has everything to do with how efficiently you recover and how effectively you perform. If just one of your cranial nerves is out of sync, your performance will be negatively affected.
Gait Function Compensations
Normal gait function is absolutely critical for high performance athletes. Over time an athlete can develop conflicts with sensory input signals through the thalamus, resulting in a faulty action potential (electrical signal) to either the right, or left gait, function performance potential. This type of compensation places a continuous drain, or wasted electrical potential upon the athlete, because the contractor (the action potential) is not getting through in order to synchronize their gait function.
Sensory / Motor Loops
There is a vast grid of neurological circuitry that transmits electrical signals to and from every gland, organ, muscle, and every aspect of the human organism, providing opportunity for conscious and unconscious movement. The action potential and cellular signaling must be completely congruent throughout all neural networking pathways in order for high performance athletes to have their muscles firing on all 12 cylinders.
Recovery Pathways
Every athlete knows that recovery is a critical aspect of performing at an elite level. The way your organs and glands are functioning has everything to do with how efficiently you recover and how well your muscles perform. When sensory/motor loops breakdown to a particular organ, or group of organs, the body becomes much less efficient at recovery, and all muscles associated with said organs will have reduced electrical potential resulting in inferior performance.
Asymmetrical Patterning
Every athlete in the world is compensated from birth with a torqued, twisted and distorted frame, or osseous (bony structure) asymmetrical patterning. These torques and twists create resistance to movement, can reduce balanced muscle strength by up to 50% across all major joints, creates wear and tear on joints, permits uneven weight distribution and a lack of structural balance or grounding. Asymmetry could be likened to a wrestling opponent that continues to increase in strength as time passes, neutralizing this opponent will free you from continually having to fight your own body.
Tensegrity Matrix
Our Tensegrity Matrix could be described as a series of discontinuous compression elements, balanced by a continuous tensile force. These compression elements and and tensile forces create an internal pre-stress which actually balances the entire structure. The same principle applies to the human body. The discontinuous compression elements (the bones) are balanced by the tensile forces of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. When these compression and tensile forces are balanced within the human framework we have very little stress on our joints, basically the bones are floating in the tensile elements of muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Every athletes performance will suffer if there is a tensegrity compensation present within their body.
Pathological Compensations
Every high performance athlete today is likely aware of and professionally interested in viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, especially if engaged in competition. Pathogenic infections create cellular mayhem within organs, which not only inhibits the function of said organ, but also the performance of the associated muscles, that correspond neurologically to that organ. NIS corrective strategies are safe, fast and extremely effective at ridding the body of viral, bacterial and parasitic infections within 24-48 hours. This may seem like a crock of "bull" until you aquire a more comprehensive understanding of your brain and its immunological intelligence. All this having been said, simply know that your brain is fearless, forthright and precise at killing pathogenic compensations.

Scott has been my Manual Therapist for a long time now, almost twenty five years. He has used all sorts of techniques from his Manual Therapy Training to help alleviate the debilitating pain I experience daily. Whenever he learned something new he would call and ask if I would like to try the new procedure. I was always a willing participant being proactive in my Healthcare with the strong desire to taper off the high dosages of toxic medicine given by my PCP and different Specialists.
In November 2021, Scott mentioned he had gone to a weekend seminar and learned a most fantastic Therapy which he wanted to introduce to my on going maintenance of Manual Therapy. I was quite excited to be treated since I was going through excruciating discomforts from my Auto Immune System playing with my Whole Being.
Scott spoke highly of this new Therapy which was non invasive and which was exclusively and independently ministered without the other healthful therapies. Scott did ALL the Protocols and treated each weakness of muscle reactions and I came to be in Homeostasis after a couple hours having my organs, cells and other parts of me realigned with my Brain.
I know this therapy is working properly for me since many things have been completely corrected. The Saliva Gland now functions whereas before the Sjogrens Syndrome dried out my mouth, eyes, organs and skin. Now there's moisture in my mouth and I'm doing much better with my right side which is diagnosed Chordoma Osteoporosis, DEBILITATING discomforts and immobility. Severe headaches from Auto Immune Encephalitis with memory loss has disappeared for months since Scott began his continuous blessings of NIS THERAPY.
I am happier now than I have been in a long time with more enthusiasm for Life and being in the moments with my loved one. I am certainly looking forward to being Free from the onslaught of the many progressions from my own body. Grateful for Scott for learning this NIS system currently making many people feeling better and alive again within themselves.
If you are in discomfort and have tried everything possible...the Doctors..medicines.. and nothing helps...Please don't give up on yourself. You are worth the time and consideration my Manual Therapist, Scott Kingsbury will give you. Please call him today. Do not be skeptical. It will be the greatest gift You Give Yourself.
Clare R. Harrison
Indian Harbor Beach, FL
My NIS experience with Scott Kingsbury was a great experience. I felt my body release a lot of tension that is consistently present . I felt comfortable, safe and cared for.
After the session I felt energized and felt no pain in my left knee and right big toe that has been there for a long time.
Scott was confident and knowledgeable . I would highly recommend his treatment to aid in the homeostasis of the body which we all need.
Fran Waslaski
Hurst TX
I have known Scott Kingsbury for many years. Always kind, understanding & compassionate. Always open to learning more to better help & care for others.
He has done Reflexology on me many times through the years & brought me out of back pain specifically.
I've gone to the chiropractor for over 10 years, usually weekly---- needed at times because of my job or maybe auto accident, etc ----Tune ups.
At the end of Jan 2022, my patient was askew on her bed & I needed to prevent her from falling on the floor. It took me over an hour to have her properly situated on her bed. I was in extreme back pain after the incident.
I continued weekly appointments hoping my back would improve It would be okay for a couple of hours then just lifting my legs getting in & out of my car I would be again in excruciating pain. At the end of May I had my chiropractor appointment & same day after that appointment had scheduled acupuncture. I was in the same amount of pain after both appointments. Discouraged. What more could I do? Cancelled my further appointments & called Scott!
Thinking Reflexology. Scott was not available for Reflexology anymore, doing Applied Kinesiology.
In June & July I had a number of appointments with Scott.
I'm amazed at what has been happening.
With treatments, my back pain would be gone for awhile, then back, in a different way - never with the extreme pain I had experienced for the four months before Scott.
I've been able to lift my legs - getting in & out of my car, going up steps, up a curb. All without the excruciating pain.
I haven't had any back pain since mid July. There have been other numerous benefits.
I'm grateful for Scott's brilliant desire to search for knowledge & the compassion he has to help his fellow men & women. I have benefitted tremendously through the years.
Debbie B.
Melbourne FL
Get in Touch
2386 Florida A1A
Indialantic, Brevard County 32903