It seems like everyone would do well to contemplate the hippocratic oath as a primary consideration when making choices regarding our health and wellness potential. 🤔
First Do No Harm 🤚
Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies available.
Identify & Correct Root Causes. 👀
Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying [root] cause.
Integrate Healing Power of Nature. 🌿
Trust the body's innate wisdom to heal itself.
Professional Role as a Teacher. 🗣
Educate individuals in the principles of restoring and maintaining good health.
Addressing the Whole Person.🧍♂️🧍♀️
Address the interdependent systems of the human organism in order to restore homeostasis/automation.
Preventative Lifestyle. 🤝
We never have to treat what we prevent. Focus on habitual patterns as they relate to a Preventative Lifestyle, Homeostatic Wellness & Automation.