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"Proper Hydration"


Proper Hydration

Scientists estimate that we are 99.95% water molecules, which represents approximately 70% of our gross weight. We are made up of water and minerals, which are all basically crystalline in nature. It is important to understand that dehydration is the #1 stressor in all living things, yes, the number one stressor in human beings, nothing is more stressful on the human body than dehydration, and of course, there is research to substantiate this statement. 

Being armed with this knowledge is truly inspirational, taking consistent action to prevent dehydration, as a result of ones clear comprehension on this most important subject, is a rare and priceless gift to cherish and revere for a lifetime.

How would an individual know if they were displaying potential signs or symptoms of dehydration? 

There are indicators that highlight different levels of tissue thirst (refer to for more info.), giving us an idea if we have enough free water within our tissues, in order to perform new water dependent functions.  It has been an observation over the last two decades that most people fall into the habitual pattern of drought, and as a result, they accelerate the effects of stress, aging and disease within their own body's. 

Can you think of one person, who has ever said they would like to place themselves in a position to decay faster? 

The fact that it is the interior of the body's cells that become dehydrated when the body is short of water is the most important phenomenon to understand. In dehydration 66% of the water loss is from the interior of the cells, 26% of the loss is from the extracellular fluid volume and only 8% is borne by the blood tissue in the vascular system, which constricts within its network of capillaries and maintains the integrity of the circulation system.

There is an estimated 100 trillion cells that make up the human organism, so if we factor in 66% loss of water from inside all cells in the body, we now have a privileged view of why dehydration is so stressful on the body. It is important to know that every function in the human body is governed by how well each of our individual cells functions, cells make up organs, organs make up systems and systems make up the entire mind-body complex. Yes, living life at its best, or at its worst in a physiological sense, comes down to how well we function at a cellular level.

It is estimated that we will evaporate 1 liter of water a day, simply through breathing, if we exercise we will lose more, we will urinate 1.5 or more liters of water daily, and we will lose a 1/2 liter or more through our skin daily, so the average adult will lose approximately 3 liters of water each day through, breathing, urination and perspiration. So if you know you are going to lose this volume of water daily, would you be opposed to replacing it daily? 

It is also important to know that all the pathways in the human body are water ways. Is it any wonder when our water ways shrink or dry up and as a result, we start to experience pain, numbness or loss of feeling because our blood is to viscous, which brings less oxygen to the tissues to cleanse them?

The chemical waste in the tissues irritates the nerve endings, which has the potential to send sensory messages to the brain, which is turn tells a particular part to hurt, because it senses that something is abnormal and gives us pain to capture our attention to the fact that something is wrong. It is imperative that we match the modality to the dysfunction, if our tissues are lacking the free water and trace minerals to wash the metabolized waste out of our cells, then we must take the proper actions to correct this problem. There is no other modality that will correct dehydration. These laws and principles found in nature are very sound and truthful, and truly fall into the realm of reasonableness and common sense. If we see a plants leaves withering we naturally assume the plant needs water, if the plant does not receive water it will eventually die, we are no different. All living things require water for their life, water is life!

So what actions must we take to properly hydrate the body? 

It is very, very simple!

H2O-TM Therapy 

Is the only modality that will correct dehydration, no other modality will be successful!

Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of pure water daily. A 200 pound person needs at least 100 ounces of water per day, more if we are sweating excessively or exercising.

You will use 1/8th of a teaspoon of unrefined salt every time you consume 16 ounces (pint) of water. The unrefined salt will be put on the end of the tongue and fully dissolved, followed by your pint of water. You will always do them together, they work as a team. 

There is no other beverage on planet earth that will hydrate your body better than pure water!

You will never find a more perfectly balanced source of trace minerals & electrolytes than unrefined salt!

Types of unrefined salt include - Real Salt - Himalayan Salt - Celtic Salt

 Reasons Your Body Needs Water Daily

Without water nothing lives.

Comparative shortage of water first suppresses and eventually kills some aspects of the body.

Water is the main source of energy, it is the “cash flow” of the body.

Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each and every cell in the body, it provides power to live.

Water is the bonding adhesive in the architectural design of the cell structure.

Water prevents DNA damage and makes its repair mechanisms more efficient, less abnormal DNA is made.

Water increases greatly the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, where the immune system is formed, that is (all of its mechanisms) including its efficiency against cancer.

Water is the main solvent for all foods, vitamin and minerals. It is used in the breakdown of food into smaller particles and their eventual metabolism and assimilation.

Water energizes food, and food particles are then able to supply the body with this energy during digestion. This is why food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body.

Water increases the body’s rate of absorption of essential substances of food.

Water is used to transport all substances inside the body.

Water increases the efficiency of red blood in collecting oxygen in the lungs.

When water reaches a cell, it brings the cell oxygen and takes the waste gasses to the lungs for disposal.

Water clears toxic waste from different parts of the body, and takes it to the liver and kidneys for disposal.

Water is the main lubricant in the joint spaces, and helps prevent arthritis and back pain.

Water is used in the spinal discs to make them “shock absorbing water cushions.”

Water is the best lubricating laxative and prevents constipation.

Water helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Water prevents clogging of arteries in the heart and the brain.

Water is essential for the body’s cooling “sweat” and heating “electrical” systems.

Water gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, most particularly thinking.

Water is directly needed for the manufacture of all neurotransmitters, including serotonin.

Water is directly needed for the production of all hormones by the brain, including melatonin.

Water can help prevent attention deficit disorder in children and adults.

Water increases efficiency at work, it expands our attention span.

Water is a better pick me up than any other beverage in the world, and it has no side effects.

Water helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Water restores normal sleep rhythms.

Water helps reduce fatigue, it gives us the energy of youth.

Water makes the skin smoother and helps decrease the effects of aging.

Water gives luster and shine to the eyes.

Water helps prevent Glaucoma.

Water normalizes the blood manufacturing systems in the bone marrow, it helps prevent leukemia and lymphoma.

Water is absolutely vital for making the immune system more efficient in different regions to fight infections and cancer cells where they are formed.

Water dilutes the blood and prevents it from clotting during circulation.

Water decreases pre-menstrual pains and hot flashes.

Water and heart beats create the dilution and waves that keep things from sedimenting in the blood stream.

The human body has no stored water to draw on during dehydration. This is why you must drink regularly and throughout the day.

Dehydration prevents sex hormone production, one of the primary causes of impotence and loss of libido.

Drinking water separates the sensations of thirst and hunger.

To lose weight, water is the best way to go, drink water on time and lose weight without much dieting.

Dehydration causes deposits of toxic sediments in the tissue spaces, joints, kidnys, liver, brain, and skin. Water will clear these deposits.

Water reduces the incidence of morning sickness in pregnancy.

Water integrates mind and body functions. It increases ability to realize goals and purpose.

Water helps prevent the loss of memory as we age. It helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer’, Parkinson’s, and ALS.

Salt The Eternal Medication

Salt is a vital substance for the survival of all living creatures, particularly humans!

Water and unrefined salt (esp. potassium) together regulate the water content of the body. Water regulates the water content of the interior of the cell by working its way into all the cells it reaches. It has to get there to cleanse and extract the toxic waste of cell metabolism. Once water gets into the cells, the trace mineral content of the cells holds onto it and keeps it there-to the extent that potassium is available inside the cells. Sodium Chloride forces some water to keep it company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by sodium chloride). It balances the amount of water that is held outside the cells.

Basically, there are 2 oceans of water in the body: one ocean is held inside the cells of the body and the other ocean is held outside the cells. Good health depends on a most delicate balance between the volume of these 2 oceans.

This balance is achieved by the regular intake of water, potassium rich fruits and vegetables that also contain the vitamin needs of the body, and unrefined salt. 

When water is not available to get into the cells freely, it is filtered from the outside salty ocean and injected into the cells that are being overworked despite there water shortage. This secondary and emergency means of supplying important cells with "injected water" is the reason, in severe dehydration, that we develop edema and retain water. The design of our bodies is such that the extent of the ocean of water outside the cells is expanded to have the extra water available for filtration and emergency injection into vital cells. The brain commands an increase in salt and water retention by the kidneys. This directive of the brain is the reason we get edema when we don't drink enough water.

When water shortage in the body reaches a more critical label and "delivery of water" by its injection into the cells becomes the main route of supply to more and more cells, an associated rise in "injection pressure" becomes necessary. The significant rise in pressure needed to inject water into the cells becomes measurable and is labeled "hypertension."

When we drink enough water to pass clear urine, we also pass out a lot of the salt that was held back. This is how we can get rid of edema fluid from the body, by drinking more water. Water is the best natural diuretic that exists!

Salt has many other functions than just regulating the water content of the body.

Salt is a strong natural antihistamine!

Salt is vital for extracting excess acidity from inside the cells, particularly the brain cells!

Salt is vital for the kidneys to clear the excess acidity and pass the acidity into the urine. Without sufficient salt in the body, the body will become more and more acidic!

Salt is essential for preserving the serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain. When water and salt perform their natural antioxidant duties and clear the toxic waste from the body, essential amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine, will not be sacrificed as chemical antioxidants. In a well hydrated body, tryptophan is spared and gets into the brain tissue where it is used to manufacture serotonin, melatonin, and tryptamine-essential anti depression neurotransmitters.

When the body is well hydrated and unrefined salt expands the volume of blood circulation to reach all parts of the body, the oxygen and the active "motivated" immune cels in the blood reach the diseased tissue and destroy it. A shortage of water and salt suppresses the immune system and its disease-fighting cells in the body.

Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength.

Salt is most effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats and, contrary to the misconception that it causes high blood pressure, it is actually essential for the regulation of blood pressure, in conjunction with water. The proportions of water and salt are vital for success!

Salt is vital for sleep regulation. It is a natural hypnotic.

Salt is a vitally needed element in the treatment of diabetics. It helps balance the sugar levels in the blood and reduces the need for insulin in those who have to inject the chemical to regulate their blood sugar levels. Water and salt reduce the extent of secondary damage associated with diabetes.

Salt is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in all of the cells of the body. It is used for local power generation at the sites of energy need by the cells.

Salt is vital to the communication and information processing of nerve cells the entire time the brain cells work-from the moment of conception to death.

Salt is vital for the absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract.

Salt is vital for clearing the lungs of mucus plugs and sticky phlegm.

Salt on the tongue will stop persistent dry coughs.

Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and sinus congestion.

Salt is vital for the prevention of gout and gouty arthritis.

Salt is essential for the prevention of muscle cramps.

Osteoporosis, in a major way, is the result of salt and water shortage in the body.

Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure if the bones firm.

Salt is vital for preventing varicose veins ans spider veins on the legs and thighs.

Those in heart failure or kidney failure must consult with their doctors before increasing their salt intake!

Real Salt - Himalayan - Celtic - are types of unrefined salt. Salt is very seldom perceived as an information carrier, but that is exactly what it is, it assists in the cellular communications throughout the body, messages are transmitted and received more fully in a salt water environment and FYI the brain is bathed in a pool of sea water call CSF or cerebral spinal fluid, the brain actually floats in the CSF because it has the same density as the CSF. If we want to improve how our nervous system communicates within us, there is no greater action a human can take than properly hydrating their body!

"Crystal salt is the most important remedy for mankind." PLINIUS (23-79AD)

"Most people will change for one of 2 reasons, inspiration or desperation."

"Everyone will suffer one of 2 pains, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."

Jim Rohn








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