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There are over 2000 miRNA that control the expression of over 1/3 of our genes and are key regulators of every primary biological process including...

Angiogenesis - Development of new blood vessels

Inflammation - Red, swollen or hot reaction to injury or infection.

Cellular Proliferation - Rapid production of a cell, part or organism.

Apoptosis - Death of cells that occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organisms growth and development.

Organogenesis - Production and development of the organs of humans, animals or plants.

Bio-marker - A measurable substance in an organism whose presence is indicative of some phenomenon, such as disease, infection or environmental exposure. Regulates transcription and translation.

Proteins = Antibodies. hormones, enzymes, miRNA allows translation of proteins.

(Messenger RNA molecule gives rise to a specific sequence of amino acids during synthesis of a polypeptide = a number of amino acid residues bonded together in a chain forming part of or the whole protein molecule.

miRNA will target viral genome (The complete set of genes of genetic material present in a cell or organism) and inhibit the viral replication. miRNA are unregulated and down regulated in various diseases.

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