Symptom patterns exist when the action potential and cellular signaling has been disrupted causing a disconnect to neural network pathways. The disconnect is triggered by excessive physiological, neurological, pathological, and emotional pressures. The action potential cannot get through to its destination because of signaling disruptions.
The action potential is the "electrical potential" associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell and cellular signaling is the ability of a cell to receive, process and transmit signals with its environment and with itself.
When we go back to the record or recorded information that the brain has transcribed, we are able to rid the system of the compensation and restore the action potential and cellular signaling with the end goal being restoration of automation.
It is vital to understand that it's the priority that must be discovered and every compensated interdependent element must be, through a sequential systematic process, be restored into a state of congruence with neural networking pathways.