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Taking Your Health Seriously!


Taking Your Health Seriously!

What does it actually mean to take your health seriously? What is the foundation of health and wellness? The answer may depend on who you ask. What avenue, pathway or standard, defining optimal

wellness, may be applied across the board, to everyone living today?

Perhaps some of you have heard of the term "Homeostasis", especially those in the medical field, but what is the big deal about homeostasis, what causes it to be so important?

Homeostasis is defined as: "Stable equilibrium between interdependent elements to maintain physiological processes."

1. The word stable means, not likely to change, its firmly established.

2. The word equilibrium means a state in which opposing forces are balanced.

3. The word interdependent means that, two or more things are depending on each other.

4. The word elements describes parts or aspects of something in this case the human anatomy.

5. To maintain could be thought of as to cause or enable a condition or state of affairs to continue.

6. The word physiological could be defined as a branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.

7. The word processes is defined as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end, which is homeostasis or automation.

Functioning or operating in "Homeostasis" will produce stability, balance, coherence (unification), between all systems, consistently producing normal function, through a specific series of actions.

When is the last time one of your medical advisors stressed the importance of restoring homeostasis, by evaluating your interdependent elements?

What are some of the interdependent elements that can disrupt your homeostatic normals?

Many individuals have sutural compressions they're unaware of which affects multiple glands and organs.

How are the right and left cortical areas of your brain currently communicating?

How coherent are your 12 cranial nerves, with each other and the rest of your body?

How well are your miRNA transmitting data?

What types of infections may be invading your body as you read this, viral, bacterial,


Are all of your glands producing sufficient stem cells to replace the 100 billion you will lose today?

Are your atrial & ventricular functions currently in sync?

How is your right and left gait pattern,

is the action potential getting through?

What causes your spine to have to be continually adjusted, is there an actual root cause, or deeper understanding?

Homeostasis is not achieved by accident, it must be sought out and actively pursued. The only system of healthcare in the world today that is capable of restoring homeostasis in your body is the Neurological Integration System.

The brain holds the key to correcting the patient, not the practitioner. Practitioners using NIS rely on the neurological response from the brain to initiate all corrections relating to human body function.

Changes will be 100% safe, accurate, totally definitive and infinitely complex. A scope beyond the capability of man.

It is only when you link the brain to become congruent with neurological, physiological, pathological and emotional patterns, will you collectively be able to restore homeostasis.

The reason for this is because the CNS - central nervous system governs all normal and optimal function, and its only when the

brain recognizes and restores the disconnected signaling, will the body come back under homeostatic control.

NIS ~ Neurological Integration System has been called the "Future of Medicine" and no doubt, after experiencing it first hand, you will understand why!


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